Getting Started - iTelescope Basics

Quick tips for New Members.

Photmetry what is it all about? How do I get started?
We strongly suggest you look into joining the  Here are some useful links: Getting Started with Variable Stars, Some Thoughts ...
Wed, 10 Aug, 2022 at 2:44 PM
CCD vs CMOS - What is the difference?
We need to rethink how we take sub-exposure with a CMOS camera. Here is why. We have seen the introduction of CMOS technology over the past year, which ...
Mon, 22 Aug, 2022 at 2:27 PM
Telescope Horizons at iTelescope
Mon, 15 Aug, 2022 at 2:55 PM
How to get good image quality during free moon time
Use the planning tool and select targets between +35 to +90 DEC in the northern skies or -35 to -90 DEC in the southern skies. We call this the no Moon rang...
Tue, 16 Aug, 2022 at 9:21 PM
Photometry - How do I make a time series plan?
Sometimes in Photometry, you need to be able to put in a small pause between your exposure. We ask members not to set up many single image plans and run th...
Thu, 25 Aug, 2022 at 5:30 PM
Demo account instructions for the free telescopes
This may assist you in orienting yourself first. It is a general webinar about using Our extensi...
Fri, 17 Nov, 2023 at 2:47 PM