Please use Telescopius simulator to create a mosaic. Choose your target and the mosaic size. Then proceed as follows:

First we generate the plan with the plan generator of the respective telescope. We then copy the plan, open

the notepad or equivalent and paste the plan. Be careful with spaces and tabs that they are copied correctly

otherwise it may create errors. 

The txt file in correct format is also attached

;YOUR  PLAN BELOW HERE - from the plan generator


; Single target image series plan, created on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:25:39 UTC

; Generated by iTelescope.Net Offline Plan Generator


#count 5,3,3,3

#interval 300,300,300,300

#binning 1,2,2,2

#filter Luminance,Red,Green,Blue

;Use a semi colon below to turn target created by planner into a comment

; M4    16.393194166666667    -26.524723055555554




;Now we paste from Telescopius telescope simulator - Copy for iTelescope - below

; Mosaic targets for "M 4", generated by Telescopius on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:28:59 UTC


M4_x1_y1    16.1322    -28.8718

M4_x2_y1    16.3994    -28.8543

M4_x3_y1    16.6657    -28.6220

M4_x1_y2    16.1316    -26.5399

M4_x2_y2    16.3932    -26.5247

M4_x3_y2    16.6539    -26.2953

M4_x1_y3    16.1307    -24.2077

M4_x2_y3    16.3873    -24.1951

M4_x3_y3    16.6430    -23.9678