;First we generate the plan with the plan generator of the respective telescope. We then copy the plan, open ;the notpad or equivalent and paste the plan. Be careful with spaces and tabs that they are copied correctly ;otherwise it may create errors. The text between the **** is copied directly from the plan generator. One comment was ;added before the target as we are not using this directive - see comment ;***************************************************************************************************** ; Single target image series plan, created by Christian Sasse on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:25:39 UTC ; Generated by iTelescope.Net Offline Plan Generator ; #count 5,3,3,3 #interval 300,300,300,300 #binning 1,2,2,2 #filter Luminance,Red,Green,Blue ;Use a semi colon below to turn target created by planner into a comment ; M4 16.393194166666667 -26.524723055555554 ;****************************************************************************************************** ;Now we paste Telescopius - Copy for iTelescope - below ; Mosaic targets for "M 4", generated by Telescopius on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:28:59 UTC ; M4_x1_y1 16.1322 -28.8718 M4_x2_y1 16.3994 -28.8543 M4_x3_y1 16.6657 -28.6220 M4_x1_y2 16.1316 -26.5399 M4_x2_y2 16.3932 -26.5247 M4_x3_y2 16.6539 -26.2953 M4_x1_y3 16.1307 -24.2077 M4_x2_y3 16.3873 -24.1951 M4_x3_y3 16.6430 -23.9678