Our membership plans give members full access to all iTelescope.Net systems and features.  This includes access to all networked telescopes, the reservation system, offline plan generator, FTP, and all imaging options.  

Each plan also offers a unique cost per imaging hour discount.  The higher the plan, the higher discount you will receive.

Once you have registered for our view only Demonstration Account, you can follow the following steps to upgrade to our monthly membership plans:

1)  To begin the upgrade process, first log in to our Launchpad with your Username and Password.  Once logged in you should see a screen similar to the image below.  Click the "View my imaging rates"

2)  Once clicked, you should see the following page:

3)  If you have a promotional code, enter it in the box now and click Apply - keep in mind that promotional codes can only be used once per account.

4)  Selecting plans on the left side of the screen will show you the rate card below.  You can also adjust the Moon Illumination drop down to see how our Moon Discount works with your selected plan.  Keep in mind that these rates are cost per hour of exposure time on each of the listed telescopes.

5)  Once you have selected your plan, click Join Plan

6)  If you select Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard), you will see this screen to enter your information.


7)  If you select Paypal, you will see this screen and be redirected to Paypal's website once you click continue:

8)  If your Payment Details are already on file with us, you will see this page, and checking the box and clicking "Purchase" will complete the transaction.  No need to reenter your information!

9)  Regardless of which method you choose, you will end up with a page similar to this once completed:

Thank you for joining iTelescope.Net!