Q. If I switch my membership Plan, will the cost to use the telescopes change?

A. Yes -   The cost per imaging hour for the telescopes is a direct benefit of the Subscription Plan you are on.  If you join a higher Plan, the telescopes are cheaper to use.  Likewise, if you switch to a lower Plan, the telescopes are more expensive to use.

Q. If I am on Plan-490, and I drop to Plan-290 the next month, do my points balance carry over?

A. Yes.  Points purchases are not tied to the plan (including points that are granted with your plan renewal each month).   Your entire points balance will always carry over, regardless of which plan you may switch to.

Q. Are points purchased while on Plan-490 consumed at the Plan-490 rate if I drop to Plan-290?

A. No.  If you switch from Plan-490 to Plan-290, the points purchased while on Plan-490 would be used at the more expensive per hour cost of Plan-290 as opposed to the less expensive per hour cost of Plan-490.  Likewise, if you were to upgrade to Plan-1000 from Plan-490, you would use the points purchased while on Plan-490 at the cheaper Plan-1000 rates.  The cost per imaging hour on the telescopes is tied to your Subscription Plan, not to your points or when they were purchased.  

Q. Every time I change my plan does it change the renewal date?

A. Yes, your renewal date will change every time you change your plan, as you will begin a new 28 day billing cycle at time of plan change.