The Offline Plan Generator works very similarly to Single Image and Image Series, with all the same options and interface. The key difference being that you must also enter a plan name so you can save this plan for later use in the Reservation System.
The following is a step by step instruction guide on how to make a plan using the Offline Plan Generator:
1) To begin, we first need to log in to the Launchpad using your username and password. This will bring you to a screen similar to the following:
2) From here, you will want to click on a telescope like the picture below.
3) Once selected, you will be prompted to log in:
4) Enter your Username and Password to log in. If you receive an error, be sure to do the following:
- Ensure that you are entering the correct Username and Password.
- Ensure that you are entering the Username in all lower case - ACP (the telescope control software) can only accept lower case Usernames.
- Ensure that you are entering your password exactly as you originally typed it in - passwords are case sensitive.
- Ensure that you have more than 10 points remaining in your account - Access to telescopes is disabled when accounts fall below 10 points.
- If you have made a change to your account recently (password, address, plan upgrade, plan downgrade, plan renewal, point purchase), please wait 15 minutes and try entering your information again. Accounts must re-sync to all systems following any changes, regardless of how small.
If all of these fail, please contact support, as your account has likely become desynced and will need to be manually synced to the telescopes. Be sure to include your account Username and which telescope you are seeing an error on.
5) Once logged in, you will find yourself on a screen similar to this one:
Now click on Deep Sky
6) From here you need to enter the following information (see image for corresponding location on form)
- Plan Name - This will be how you identify the plan and can be anything so long as it does not contain non standard alphanumeric characters
- Target - Enter the target and click "Get Coordinates or Ephemeris". If you wish to target by RA/DEC instead (ADVANCED), then do not click "Get Coordinates or Ephemeris" after entering the Target Name.
- RA/DEC - If you used "Get Coordinates or Ephemeris" this will fill in automatically. If you did not, fill this in.
- Primary Imaging Options - Choose your binning, filter, image count and image duration. Be sure to check "Use" on any line you wish included. You can make any number of lines by clicking "More"
- Advanced Imaging Options: Choose your advanced imaging options by clicking the box next to each option you wish to use.
7) Once you have entered all the information, scroll down and locate "Create Plan for later" and click it.
8) Now that you have created an Offline Plan - use it in our Reservation System. To see how, check out the Create a Reservation FAQ.