If you have just created a new account or made changes to your existing account and are having trouble logging into your telescope then this may help.

New Accounts: Once you have registered with iTelescope you are sent a Verification Email to the address you nominated to use. Please find this email and use the link provided in it to activate your account. Look in your SPAM/JUNK folder if you cannot see it in your Inbox.  If you have not received verification email within 30 minutes, please contact support.

Account Changes: If you have an existing account and have made changes such as Email, Passwords etc then the same applies as above. Check for an Email from iTelescope to verify your changes.

A new account and changes will take up to 15 minutes to take effect and become active on the telescope database of users. Please try to log in again after this period has lapsed.  

Once your account is active you will be able to use the telescopes online by following these directions:

1)  Begin by logging into the Launchpad.  You will see a screen similar to the one below - best to watch a short tutorial

2) Meet the iTelescope Planner

The iTelescope Planner makes finding  thousands of beautiful objects in the night sky easy - customized for iTelescope observatories. It even takes moon phases into account, which is especially important around full moon.

Here is a  short video tutorial

You can access it from the iTelescope Launchpad by clicking on the green button Start planning here

3) you can directly log into each telescope by clicking on it. Once you do this, you will see this  image below (here for T13):

4)  Enter your Username and Password to log in.  If you receive an error, be sure to do the following:

  • Ensure that you are entering the correct Username and Password.
  • Ensure that you are entering the Username in all lower case - ACP (the telescope control software) can only accept lower case Usernames.
  • Ensure that you are entering your password exactly as you originally typed it in - passwords are case sensitive.
  • Ensure that you have more than 10 points remaining in your account - Access to telescopes is disabled when accounts fall below 10 points.
  • If you have made a change to your account recently (password, address, plan upgrade, plan downgrade, plan renewal, point purchase), please wait 15 minutes and try entering your information again.  Accounts must re-sync to all systems following any changes, regardless of how small.
If all of these fail, please contact support, as your account has likely become desynced and will need to be manually synced to the telescopes.  Be sure to include your account Username and which telescope you are seeing an error on.

5)  Once Logged in you should see a screen similar to this:

6)  From here you use the left menu to select what you wish to do on the telescope. Start to image with One-Click-image, or Deep Sky