Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari browsers have made security changes which impact iTelescope users.  Affected users will find that when they click a telescope on the Launchpad they are no longer prompted for username/password, and instead they get the message:

Server responded with status 401 Access Denied - Invalid login or account disabled

The good news is that there is a simple workaround.  By refreshing this error page, you will be correctly prompted for authentication, and can log in to the telescopes as per normal.

The technical description is that they no longer support linking from a secure site ( to a non-secure site ( that uses the HTTP Basic Auth protocol.

Release note for Safari - "Changed to only allow non-mixed content protected sub-resources to ask for credentials"

We worked with Apple to address the broken user experience caused by this security fix. Apple listened to our feedback and fixed the credentials dialog for links from an HTTPS resource to an HTTP hosted resource. The fix is expected to be available in the next release of Safari. However, given that Microsoft Edge has done the same security update, it seems likely other browsers may too. iTelescope is looking at providing a workaround for this technical limitation that would satisfy the browser requirements.

Update: This has been fixed in the latest version of Safari.  The issue still exists in Edge.

In the mean time we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access our services.