The Telescope Reservation Overview is the one stop page to see all available reservation for all systems in one place, and the instructions below will tell you how to get there.

1)  To get to the Telescope Reservation Overview page, begin by logging into the Launchpad.  This will place you on the following screen:


2)  Once there, Click the "Reservation" Drop Down menu and select "Overview".  You can see this in the image below:


Alternatively you can do this from the Telescopes dropdown menu:

3)  Once you click on "Overview" you will be on the Telescope Reservation Overview page, and be able to see all reservations for all telescopes on one page.

4)  A few things to keep in mind:

  • You cannot create reservations from this page - it is view only
  • Currently it will only show you the next 4 days
  • Clicking on any of the "Telescope XX" on the left hand side of the screen will take you to the reservation login screen for that telescope.
  • Currently hovering over a reservation will give you a pop up with that reservation's information - but this can take a little bit of time to load.