iTelescope - T20 - Wide Field - Utah

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Location Information

Observatory:   Utah Desert Remote Observatory at Great Basin Desert, Beryl Junction, Utah, USA

MPC: U94 

Telescope:  0.1-m f/5.0 astrograph + CMOS

Timezone:  UTC Minus 7:00. Daylight savings time is observed 

Minimum Target Elevation: 15º all azimuths. 

N 37° 44’ 16"    Decimal: 37.7378 North

W 113° 41’ 51"  Decimal: -113.6975 West

Elevation: 1,570 meters / 5150 ft

Operational Notes

Very Wide Field Telescope. Typically used for Wide Field Color / Narrowband Imaging. FITS and TIF file formats. Dark Frame calibration data is available for 900 second exposures. Bin1 . (All calibrated data uses scaled darks).
Recommended Maximum Exposure 600 seconds. Raw data can be found at

  • T20 is a great platform for wide angle imaging and nothing can match its very wide field portraits and its performance on the sky's larger extended objects such as large nebula, clusters, bright comets and even catching fast moving Near Earth Objects.
  • IMPORTANT NOTES: T20 is unguided. Please limit sub-exposure times to 600 seconds or less for best results. 

Instrument Package


QE: 80 - 100% Peak

Full Well:  ~100,000e- 

Dark Current:   0.0075 e-/pixel/sec. @ -15º C

A/D Gain:  2.0e-/ADU

Pixel Size:  5.94um Square

Resolution:  2.32 arc-secs/pixel 

Cooling:  Set to -15ºC default 

Array:  6072 by 4042 (24 Mega pixels) 

FOV:      155.8 x 233.7 arc-mins

Optolong Lpro -
Optolong LUltimate -
Astrodon Ha (3nm), SII (3nm) & OIII (5nm),

Position Angle: 14º East of North


Telescope Optics

OTA: Takahashi FSQ106-ED 

Optical Design: Petzval Apochromat Astrograph 

Aperture: 106mm (0.1 metre) 

Focal Length: 530mm (0.53 metre) 

F/Ratio: f/5.0 

Guiding: Disabled. 600 seconds maximum exposures

Mount: Paramount ME